Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I have decided to blog on blogger once again. But i'm still gonna use tumblr until i get bored of it.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Do you want the truth or something beautiful

Sometimes I can't help thinking if i'm too late.
say i've confessed to you earlier,
would you be mine?

Yesterday was one of my best day ever since a long time despite shitty music from sound series bands and long waiting and the fact the I so carelessly dropped my monehhh on the floor. It was a big amount of money :(

Best day because I get to see you and I feel wanted when you kept asking me to hurry up even when I was already rushing to get there for you.

Even though I know that it's just because you had no friends there and G is busy with her modelling stuff. I still feel wanted nevertheless

So, tear out my heart


Saturday, December 19, 2009

For the boy who drinks a bottle of coke everyday

And I met a man that night
who filled me with delight
And you spoke in poetry and rhyme
And I loved you in no time

Friday, December 18, 2009

all I ever wanted was your heart

You don't know how sorry I am
Or how much i'm regretting every second now
It could have been beautiful

Thursday, December 17, 2009

coke and strawberries

he and I had something beautiful
but so dysfunctional, it couldn't last

it could've but I didnt trust you enough
And now I regretted ever letting you go

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Cute much?

hands up for those who wna join me in mission kill swift!

I'm just kidding. I love Taylor swift alot, really. Even though she snog Lautner infront of gazzillion people haha.

Marry me

Tis the season to get married fwalalalala lalalala!

Im so happy that Mike finally propose to Xiaxue. It's like I don't even know her but i'm mad happy for her!!!!

That is crazy.

Another thing, I need save up about $1000 by my birthday. How is that possible! :(

Just got 2 pair of converse school shoe, gonna go popular later to get books and maybeee, a new pencil case. I don't wanna go back to school! :( The holiday is getting shorter. That reminds me that I have to report to school for Nlevels result tmrw! I know i'm not gonna do well. Let's just hope I do well enough *finger crossed*

*abrupt end*

Monday, December 14, 2009


This is Azel's new friend, mr tomato!!!!!!

had bad face day ytd :(

idk what game I was playing but I totally own all her games in her ipod touch! Beat her high score also HAHA :ppppp

Here comes my fav pic of the day: (tmd cuteee!)

Zappy's dad sent me to my dad's house at 2am!! And oh, we played the non-sexual version of truth or dare HAHA. That makes it the retarded version which caused a lot of embarrassment too.

Josh is tmd cute ttm in this picture.

okay, i'm too lazy to elaborate more on any bintan trip now. I want to go to bed gdnight xx

Thursday, December 10, 2009

i've been an angel all year

I have decided to be a good blogger before going to Bintan(again) for 4days! Photos above are all from uncle mike's camera and i've only just uploaded them recently haha. And i'm taking his awesome camera to bintan this time! :ppp

I love using his camera, totally pwns other camera although all photos above is just mediocre but!!!! I promise IT IS BLOODY GOOD!

Uncle Mike's birthday cake! :D

Lastly, i'm gonna miss my baby snowball. Despite us trying to tell him that he is not allowed on the sofa, he has already make it his own personal bed . shheeesh! cute not cute not?

love, peace and beach! :)

PS. pls don't rain!

Monday, December 7, 2009

I have been challenged to do parkour