Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This is yet another no picture/videos blog entry!



1) friendster sucks. it's sooooooo super duper whooper uber mucho gusto slow!

2) something stupid happened today

I went to northpoint (power 9 i guess) and get a small tragus stud. then went to the toilet.
then decided that i wanna get one more so went all the way back up again
then when I'm almost reaching the 1st level, i drop the stud into the escalator
so i went all the way back up again to buy another 2 stud. just in case i drop it

I have Jasmine to hold on to it until i'm in a safe zone where I will not drop it.

3) some guy asked to be my friend. obv i said NO

4) snowball just rolled over. super cute!

5) snowball knows how to sit, up and down!

6) I want to be a princess

7) I have an organiser! :D

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