Sunday, January 4, 2009

TYR my dear! I got no pictures & video, whatever I blog will be so boring lor! nothing interesting as well!

okayokayokay, about the christian thingy... let's stop it man!
Seriously, if anyone wanna know about my r/s with God, it's me!

Sometimes I love him
Sometimes i think otherwise.

If I paint a beautiful landscape (which is obv not so pretty), i will love it. Even if it's ugly.

So you get what I mean?

If God shine a bright light from heaven and in a loud blooming voice and tell me to crucify myself and 3days later, i'll rose and ascended to join him, I will.



Jasmine and Dawn came over to see Snowball. Snowball is lucky!
he got my longest commitment. haha. I have never taken care of anything for more than 2weeks!

I killed so many pet alr ):

hmm.. let's see.. what can I talk about?

nothing leh!

I wanna go sheesha. lol. Today Fiona talking bout it. sounds fun. I think i'm damn lag la. Alot of people have tried it already except me!

About a week ago, I was watching Bring it on. Then Lenise told me that she just watched it few hours back!

Then ytd, I was watching Titanic, then she was loading it! Coincidence?


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