I'm kinda pissy now. rawr!
The comments that people make really hurts me. It's not like those "you're so ugly and fat" then i will just reply "fuck off" and get angry for 3seconds.
It feels as if a part of me died in the inside.
I cried over nasty comments.
I pretend that I don't mind and laugh it off but i don't feel like this inside.
urghh.. this is so depressing! I got it from Dawn and Tania!
so anyways, I stole a pic from Dawn's blog.

Look! Im so fair as compared to Dawn. You are really Chao Ta!
Friday: Lan gaming with the guys. Sherman and the rest boycott us for sentosa! >:(
Played left 4 dead. Im so addicted to that game now.
Played audition for 5mins. hahah. So embarrassing. To add on, I fell off the chair. UNGLAM!
then we went for easter service with the guys and off the Changi to have dinner!
Dawn and I were sitting in our most unglam manner on the bus and snore. Okay, we didn't snore!
Saturday: Met up with baby and camwhore on her new gold pretty camera!
mummy pick us up and went over to mount sophia to eat.
The potato not nice one lor ))))): I feel so cheated cos it LOOKS SO NICE
Then we went over to Ikea. Worse day ever!
We put my bedframe on the roof of the car and it rained. So we walked to some mall opp to buy cling wrap. after what feels like 1hour, we drive out of Ikea's carpark, lo and behold, it fucking stop raining!
Thank you very much ah.
Im so happy! cos im gonna move house really soon. I just have to wait til my mum is free enough to move my mattress and my stuff over. atually i haven't really pack la. I just pack some clothes that will last me for a week.
went for dance. Chacha. omg, i forgot my steps! yesterday's class kinda sucks.
I don't like being touch by old uncle. I send all my unfriendly signal to the uncle yesterday and he still continue being so touchy. Call me tradition nun or whatever.
Dawn : LOL.
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