After church, I went home to change cos i don't really like to dress up and stuff.
Idk if I should like, continue serving in choir. Bcos (1) it's a must to put make up (2) You have to really dress up and also, not too revealing.
Tania, Dawn and Vanesa - as you can see, im the shortest.
They are about 169 - 171cm. I am only 159
In Mr Loy's car after service. I finally wear my Edhardy after like.. years?
not long not short. wth?
Now I regretted cutting bangs! rawwrr!
Im going to Bintan again on the 24apr - 28apr! Again.
I know! But I really love going there.
1. They have the best Tiramisu ever!
2. They have the best poolbar
3. the bike thing is really fun
4. suntan!
5. I get to skip school for 3days!
6. another reason to buy mags and books(?)
8. excuse to buy 40D. i'll be like " BUT MUMMY!" hopefully it works
9. Jamine is coming along with me!
Actually not much la. I just don't wna go school.
updated: wtf? I got english prelims on the 24apr! Very good timing huh! So, I cannot go to Bintan anymore ):
updated: wtf? I got english prelims on the 24apr! Very good timing huh! So, I cannot go to Bintan anymore ):
urghh! then my poa paper starts on the 4th of May? I guess? Not sure.
I wna get A for all my paper `cept chinese. Maybe i'll even aim for a C.
Another bad news is that, i'm not going Australia in June anymoreee! I have to wait til my N level is over. But at least it's summer!
Another bad news is that, i'm not going Australia in June anymoreee! I have to wait til my N level is over. But at least it's summer!
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