Tiffany taught me how to do unglam and ugly faces! And make me do it. Lol.
That's a lot other uglier ones but I deleted them.

So not pretty lor. lol

Then tiffany gave me a guailan face. Idk which pic she is talking about but most of the time her face is gl :P

The above picture is Tiffany trying to act sweet and demure. obv not working right!

There is still so many pictures but I can't be an arse to upload them all. Takes too much time! And I don't wna be late later on. If Dawn will kpkb me. hah. just kidding.But still, i don't wna feel her wrath.

Then tiffany gave me a guailan face. Idk which pic she is talking about but most of the time her face is gl :P

She said she sing to me in malaysia!
My kunkun and I bought 5box of pokemon disc and there's like 12episode in a box. 12 x 5 = 60?
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