Sunday, June 14, 2009

US marine - Smith

I got really bored and so I went to read Xiaxue's blog about this US marine rape thing. I know it's old news! But I don't read the paper or watch the news..

Note to self: Watch more BBC!!!!

I am in total agreement with Xiaxue!

It's just so ridiculous that a guy with sucha bright future get a 40yrs imprisonment over what could/might be a rape issue.

From my point of view, I do not think that Nicole(the "victim") was being raped by the hot US marine.

She was totally asking for it! Who would dress slutily, get so drunk and follow 4 white strangers into a van? From xx's blog, it states that Nicole even help Smith with putting on the comdon.

It's just not fair for Smith!

just my 2cents worth.


I can't wait to get the curtains on tuesday.
Every morning, it's either the sunlight baking me at 8am or Snowball barking because only I would be downstairs taking care of him.

If say, im sleeping or outside, he'll be lock in the kitchen or chain up at the front yard.

Today I woke up to Snowball's barks at 9am!! I slept really late last night..

This must be like the longest post in a while?

Tiffany babe asked me out yesterday but I was busy. Could have make it tho but I was at Ikea.
that reminds me, I WANT TO HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY! I have always been talking about it for a looooong time!


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