Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Im gonnaaaa get braces at EOY. can't wait for the painful procedure.

went to Sentosa

Monday, July 27, 2009
He wants a mitsubishi lancer and it's cheaper in UK. 12grand and brand new. But times that 3, then it'll be S$36000 but still consider cheap in sg! I don't know much about car, but according to him, it's really good, safe and practical.
But I want a volkswagen eos but it's mad expensive. at least 20grand. So that's S$60grand.
But it's so sexy. sweeeeet. I want it so much.
and again, according to him, the new vw golf is also really good. like it runs really fast but expensive too and i don't really fancy the design.
ahh I wanna drive but I can only get my license in 2years! ):
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Went over to Jiaping's house(Dawn's cousin) for a welcome home gathering. She went to tour Europe. kl kl!

She has seen in my most ugly moment and love me for who I am. awww
She has tolerate my bitchy moments
Only a true friend is honest and transparent who tells you when you're a total bitch

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wth is wrong with me? Somebody tell meeee?
Somebody tell me what to do!!
On the brighter note, I got 2 levi jeans! It's time I should buy some jeans. My friends always see me in shorts. haha.
I like today's service and Joshua came along with us too.
So like we forced him to go shopping ;D haha, he had a wonderful girlie time with Dawn and I.
Ahhhhhh!!! I can't help but keep thinking about stuff. silly me..
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Abercrombie and Bitch
I just felt like saying that. don't ask why.
It's like forever since I update again. Im always lazy and busy. But since i'm free now, might as well blog. I created a private blog as well. But since it's private, you may not know the url :P
I went to school today and got a mild headache and requested to come back home. I kinda like exaggerate it though. But I still feel dizzy and unwell. Maybe because I only had 4hours of sleep last night and an hour the night before.
Videocall-ed with Luke and Dan for like hours. And I made Luke learnt the Hannah Montana movie: Hoedown Throwdown! No actually, he learnt it for me. hehe
I swear to stop videocalling friends now. I never get round to sleeping early if I do.
Went out to town with Stephen and his friends, Alex and Neil. We just float around shopping malls aimlessly doing nothing. Better than staying home anyways.
They are like amazing. Like they do crazy parkour stunts everywhere in town! I can only do a forward roll, nothing more. No 3storey jumping flying madness to triple flip and whatever ninja moves.
Another thing is that, I'll be going to france in october, right after my N levels! Woo! Awesome. I've always wanted to go to Paris and Disneyland. And also probably Switzerland. I think?
I'm gonana go do my homework soon ):
Sunday, July 12, 2009
you're so beautiful
This is one of the few sermon of A.R Bernard that I actually understand and feel so motivated by.
So in the middle of the service, I received a MMS from Tiffany. Guess what it was.
One angmoh guy... -.-
She is crazy. Lol. But I only got to see the MMS when I got home.
So anyways, Dawn's dad bring us to this really famous restuarant for lunch and it's so darn good! I love it! I love the tofu with mayo and deer meat.
Well, what can I say. Singaporeans loves food.
Then I was at plaza sing today and 'you're so beautiful' was blasting in one of the shop. It makes me think of Lewis, idk why.. ): I miss u so much...
I love love Paramore!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
The last time, I got $300. Hopefully, they'll increase it by $100 again! So I can go shopping :D
And have more money for cab =/
I took a cab back home today again. Vanessa! Stop spending money on taxi!
So anywaysssss, I just wanna tell you that for the first time, i'm sleeping before 12.30!! Because i have to like get up at 9.30?? ):
I will have to go to chongpang to alter our uniform afterthat with Dawnie and cut hair.
I'm still thinking if I should cut.. Should I?
xo V
eat your vegetables!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
How awesome is my life..
Q: favourite colour
A: As much as I'd choose pink for anything that I buy, it's actually turqoise. But pink is next in line!
Q: what's the one thing that you'd do when you've already done everything you usually do when you're bored.
A: Pedicure or i'd probably groom snowball.
Q: your feel-good movie
A: hmm.. Cinderella Story. lol. and erm, basically all chickflick because they always have hunks and happily ever after.
Q: favourite song atm
A: Fifteen by Taylor Swift? It was 'i like you so much better when you're naked' yesterday until I dl fifteen.
Q: describe yourself in one word
A: so-damn-awesome-that-one-word-is-not-enough-but-have-to-make-do-with-this-atm!
ok no, i'm just kidding.
I can't describe myself in a word.
Q: hungry?
A: Yes
Q: what do you wanna eat?
A: sudden craving for hotplate tofu, sambal kangkong and icecream soda!
Q: say something
A: Ah?
Q: Do you talk to yourself?
A: All the time. Had somebody caught me doing it. so embarrassing
My feet is freezing. Brrrr**
Last question for P_education Poa Nlevel2008 paper! WOOOO!
I'm so happy and i'm addicted to barn buddy.
I wish my guitar isn't dead ):
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I know that i've not blog for several days and that posting videos doesn't really count as an update. But i've been really really really busy with errrmm, ahem* school work *ahem*
Yeah so where was I?
Oh I know!
I just feel like blogging out of sudden. I'm actually doing my Poa homework. It's never ending! While Dawn is already done with everything. I'm only getting started on the 3rd paper. ):
Which means, I have like another smartass school paper to do.
Lotsa history essay. Both SEQ and SBQ.
I have a whole book of physics to do. Chemistry paper, english paper and MATH!
I hate numbers ):
They do my head in
Oh! I kinda cheat a little in Social Studies. I'm not gonna like reveal it because I just found out(not so recently) that the discipline teacher and a couple of teachers read my blog.
*gasp!!!* YES! I feel so stalked! I repeat, I do feel stalked atm.
This might be the longest entry of the month because ... well, I just felt like it and it's raining. It doesn't really make any sense about the raining part but err.. whatever.
Im being super random right now.
I tried to do my work in the garden just now but it's so hot.
So I went back to my room and now it's so cold.
Yepyep, i'm freezing. like literally!
I feel so sad now ):
1) It's raining
2) I still have so much work to do
3) I missed 3 french lesson =/
4) I killed my guitar )))):
I'm level 3 in barn buddy now! I'm amazing (:
I still cannot get over the death of my guitar ):
Last monday, I went to Toy 'R' us and bought a barbie doll!
And then I spent like all of my money on cab fare. Woo! I take a cab everywhere I go now!
i'm like happy and sad (:
and no, I don't have bipolar.
Today is just like yesterday.
I would be on the floor for 5hours but only 1hr goes to doing my homework and the rest is just surfing the net.
Watching random videos on youtube.
looking through my pictures
reading magazine
and eating
Mmmm.. Chocolate is soo good.
I'm so busy. Yeah I am.. I really am! Do I sound convincing enough? No?
Anyways, my favourite youtuber are Charlieissocoollike, desandnate and nigahiga.
I'm so lame ):
Im thinking of cutting my hair. Because I have so much layers and I wanna even them out. Should I? Maybe 2inches?
Time for food again! (:
Im suppose to be studying! But ended up watching Charlieissocoollike and random youtube videos.