In the middle of orchard road! I have this pic for a long time in my comp and decided to upload it cos it's cool. Almost as cool as me :D I can't rmb his name though. im so bad with names but he's not from sg btw so I need not worry that i'll bump into him one day and forgetting his name

Look at momma's baby bump! This pic look like the typical superstar scandalous baby bump! I reckon it's a twins. what do ya think?

Im gonnaaaa get braces at EOY. can't wait for the painful procedure.

Studying **cough** haha

At vanecharmaine, you get ugly pics of Vanessa herself!! fresh from the oven!!!!!! :D amazing or what?
Love like we both love spicy indian food! :D

went to Sentosa

I told you that you'll get my ugly pics on my blog!!!!!!!!!

On a typical day (no exams), we would be swimming and "studying" :D

like almost a month ago or less, I went to get a haircut. And halfway eating Mcflurry, I saw my hair in my ice cream. lol eww.

I went jogging againnnn!!!! But this time, i didn't even cover 2km. Lol.
Im such a bad jogger?
and then, I ate like 1 massive plate of japanese curry!!!!
totally defeats the purpose of me going jogging.
mwahhh xoxo
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