Thursday, July 2, 2009


im so bored right now so i'm just gonna do a random Q&A.
How awesome is my life..

Q: favourite colour
A: As much as I'd choose pink for anything that I buy, it's actually turqoise. But pink is next in line!

Q: what's the one thing that you'd do when you've already done everything you usually do when you're bored.
A: Pedicure or i'd probably groom snowball.

Q: your feel-good movie
A: hmm.. Cinderella Story. lol. and erm, basically all chickflick because they always have hunks and happily ever after.

Q: favourite song atm
A: Fifteen by Taylor Swift? It was 'i like you so much better when you're naked' yesterday until I dl fifteen.

Q: describe yourself in one word
A: so-damn-awesome-that-one-word-is-not-enough-but-have-to-make-do-with-this-atm!
ok no, i'm just kidding.

I can't describe myself in a word.

Q: hungry?
A: Yes

Q: what do you wanna eat?
A: sudden craving for hotplate tofu, sambal kangkong and icecream soda!

Q: say something
A: Ah?

Q: Do you talk to yourself?
A: All the time. Had somebody caught me doing it. so embarrassing

My feet is freezing. Brrrr**

Last question for P_education Poa Nlevel2008 paper! WOOOO!

I'm so happy and i'm addicted to barn buddy.

I wish my guitar isn't dead ):


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